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2023-12-10 14:44  

近期,我院陈东之教授领衔的环境生物与催化技术团队关于典型污染物生物降解新技术、化学-生物耦合处理原理与方法、CO2与重金属转化等方面的研究取得一系列重要进展,在Water Research环境顶刊,IF 12.8)、Applied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalIF 22.1Trends in BiotechnologyIF 17.3等环境领域IF>10TOP期刊上发表论文19篇。该系列工作得到国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、浙江省领雁研发攻关计划等项目资助。

1. 典型污染物生物降解新技术

针对生物法净化疏水性VOCs废气面临的气液传质受限难题,通过添加非离子型表面活性剂Tween 20强化疏水性VOCs气液传质过程,深入揭示Tween 20强化BTF系统去除正己烷和DCM废气的过程机理(Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 450, 131063)。针对硅油两相分配体系中硅油难回收的问题,创制兼具磁性、液态流动性、易回收等特性的新型非水相纳米磁性硅油,长期使用过程中不仅提高了微生物在非水相-水界面的粘附量,还显著增强了微生物膜蛋白对疏水性污染物的亲和性,对正己烷废气的去除效率稳定在90%以上(Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 430: 139457)。


1 纳米磁性硅油的制备(a)及其强化正己烷废气传质的机理示意图(b

针对微藻去除抗生素等新型污染物过程中存在的微藻细胞活性抑制、污染物去除率低等问题,提出了采用植物激素调控方法提升系统效率的策略(Trends in Biotechnology, 2023, 41: 992-995)。通过添加外源赤霉素,微藻在磺胺甲恶挫抑制下的抗氧化酶活性及相关基因表达显著提升,极大地改善了其对磺胺甲恶挫的去除效率(Bioresource Technology, 2023, 378: 129002)。外源植物激素IAA显著提升了蛋白核小球藻对含海水废水的净化效率,并同步促进了微藻的油脂累积,可用于生物燃料的生产(Water Research, 2024, 248: 120864)。此外,以废水处理同步培养微藻为目标,围绕微藻培养与废水净化耦合系统构建、微藻高效分离方法等方面开展了系列研究(Bioresource Technology, 2023, 367: 128270Bioresource Technology, 2023, 376: 128941Bioresource Technology, 2023, 390, 129860)。

2 IAA作用下蛋白核小球藻光合作用、能量代谢、抗氧化途径相关基因表达的变化

2. 化学-生物耦合处理原理与方法

采用简易溶剂热法合成了花球状BiOXX=ClBrI),发现不同卤素原子显著影响BiOX理化性质与甲硫醇臭气净化性能,OVsI-协同促进了BiOI对甲硫醇的吸附活化,有效提高了•OH•O2-产量(Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471, 144658)。研制了可见光响应的TiO2和含氧基团共修饰改性的g-C3N4复合材料,进一步结合固定有雷尔氏菌的聚氨酯载体,构建可见光催化-生物紧密耦合体系,实现了氯苯的高效稳定净化,为难降解污染物的高效经济处理提供了新思路(Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 467, 143310)。

针对微生物电化学体系传质-反应过程受限的瓶颈,首创两相分配微生物电化学体系,疏水性VOCs传质显著增强,氯苯等疏水性VOCs的液/气分配系数提升15倍以上(Water Research, 2023, 246: 120677Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 453: 139731)。提出赝电容电对植入细胞加速胞内电子传递的新方法,定向诱导降解与产电双功能菌富集,显著增强生物膜对VOCs的降解活性(Water Research, 2023, 245: 120578Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 335: 122874)。基于硅酮粉的吸收缓释作用与Fe3O4纳米颗粒的生物亲和性,研制高活性Fe3O4@硅酮粉复合电极,显著促进电活性菌和降解菌在电极表面的富集以及生物膜对污染物的原位利用,以氯苯为污染物的电化学系统的最大输出电压提高了45.6%Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 457: 131794)。

3 两相分配微生物燃料电池传质路径(a);赝电容生物阳极强化电子传递示意图(b

3. CO2与重金属资源化利用

针对g-C3N4光催化还原CO2活性受限于严重的载流子复合和迟缓的表面反应动力学的问题,采用助催化剂修饰策略合成了不同形态Pd修饰的g-C3N4纳米片,首次阐明了不同化学形态Pd修饰对g-C3N4光催化还原CO2性能的影响机制(Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2023: 177-190)。

针对电沉积装置成本高的问题,受电渗析膜污染现象启发,采用膜作为电极的替代品,首创膜电沉积工艺,实现了金属离子的高效去除与同步回收,电沉积的装置成本显著降低Water Research, 2023, 242:120240)。针对污染物去除选择性不佳的瓶颈,进一步将膜电沉积与电渗析耦合,研发了膜强化电渗析工艺,实现了金属离子与常规离子的分部去除与分类回收(Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 451: 138908)。

4 膜电沉积去除重金属机理(a);膜强化电渗析选择性回收重金属机理(b

团队教师2023年度发表的部分论文(IF >10

1. Zhou JL, Vadiveloo A, Chen DZ, Gao F*(高锋). Regulation effects of indoleacetic acid on lipid production and nutrient removal of Chlorella pyrenoidosa in seawater-containing wastewater. Water Research, 2024, 248: 120864.

2. Yu J, You JP*(尤菊平), Lens NLP, Lu LC, He YX, Ji ZY, Chen JM, Cheng ZW, Chen DZ*. Biofilm metagenomic characteristics behind high coulombic efficiency for propanethiol deodorization in two-phase partitioning microbial fuel cell. Water Research, 2023, 246: 120677.

3. Yu Y(於洋), Liu HY, Jin HC, Chen JM, Chen DZ*. Metal-organic framework derived bio-anode enhances chlorobenzene removal and electricity generation: Special Ru4+/Ru3+-bridged intracellular electron transfer. Water Research, 2023, 245: 120578.

4. Yu Y(於洋), Zhang MY, Li Q, Chen XM, Chen DZ*, Jin HC*. Subtle introduction of membrane polarization-catalyzed H2O dissociation actuates highly efficient electrocoagulation for hardness ion removal. Water Research, 2023, 242: 120240.

5. Chen DZ, Liu HY, Chen JM, Yu Y*(於洋). Enhancing bioelectrocatalytic oxidation of gaseous chlorobenzene by introducing transmembrane Ru4+/Ru3+-mediated reversible intracellular electron transfer. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 335: 122874.

6. Zhou JL, Gao F*(高锋). Phytohormones: Novel strategy for removing emerging contaminants and recovering resources. Trends in Biotechnology, 2023, 41: 992-995.

7. Li Q(李钱), Tang QJ, Xiong PY, Chen DZ, Chen JM, Wu ZB*, Wang HQ*. Effect of palladium chemical states on CO2 photocatalytic reduction over g-C3N4: Distinct role of single-atomic state in boosting CH4 production. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2023, 46: 177-190.

8. You JP(尤菊平), Ji ZJ, Zhao JK, Sun HM, Ye JX, Cheng ZW, Kong XW, Chen JM*, Chen DZ*. Configurations of bioelectrochemical reactor for environmental remediation: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471: 144325.

9. Yu Y(於洋), Chen DZ, Liu HY, Zhang XJ, Chen XM*, Jin HC*. Membrane deposition electrodialysis for cooling water treatment: Ion step removal and stable membrane regeneration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 451: 138908.

10. You JP(尤菊平), Yu J, Zhang SH, Chen JM*, Chen DZ*. Performance and mechanism of innovative two-phase partitioning microbial fuel cell for effective propanethiol treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 453: 139731.

11. Li Q(李钱), Zhang JH, Xu W, Wang HQ, Zhou JY, Chen QG, Chen JM, Chen DZ*. Oxygen vacancies mediated flower-like BiOX microspheres for photocatalytic purification of methyl mercaptan odor: Significant distinction induced by halogen elements. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 471: 144658.

12. Li Q(李钱), Zhang JH, Zhou JY, Xu W, Cheng ZW, Lens PNL, Chen JM, Chen DZ*. Synergistic degradation of chlorobenzene using intimate coupling of visible-light responsive TiO2/oxygenous groups decorated g-C3N4 composites and Ralstonia sp. XZW-1. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 467: 143310.

13. You JP(尤菊平), Ye L, Kong XW, Duan YQ, Zhao JK, Chen JM, Chen DZ*. Efficient biodechlorination at the Fe3O4-based silicone powder modified chlorobenzene-affinity anode, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 457: 131794.

14. Deng Y, Yang GF(阳广凤), Lens NLP, He YX, Qie LX, Shen XY, Chen JM, Cheng ZW, Chen DZ*. Enhanced removal of mixed VOCs with different hydrophobicities by Tween 20 in a biotrickling filter: Kinetic analysis and biofilm characteristics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 450: 131063.

15. Li Q(李钱), Zhang KP, Yang LC, Lu LC, Kong XW, Zhao XY, Chen JM, Chen DZ*. Novel magnetic non-aqueous phase liquid with superior recyclability for efficient and sustainable removal of gaseous n-hexane using two-phase partitioning bioreactor. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023: 139457.

16. Yang L, Vadiveloo A, Chen AJ, Liu WZ, Chen DZ, Gao F*(高锋). Supplementation of exogenous phytohormones for enhancing the removal of sulfamethoxazole and the simultaneous accumulation of lipid by Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 378: 129002.

17. Yang ZY, Huang KX, Zhang YR, Yang L, Zhou JL, Yang Q, Gao F*(高锋). Efficient microalgal lipid production driven by salt stress and phytohormones synergistically. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 367: 128270.

18. Huang KX, Vadiveloo A, Zhou JL, Yang L, Chen DZ, Gao F*(高锋). Integrated culture and harvest systems for improved microalgal biomass production and wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 376: 128941.

19. Huang KX, Vadiveloo A, Zhong H, Li C, Gao F*(高锋). High-efficiency harvesting of microalgae enabled by chitosan-coated magnetic biochar. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 390, 129860.
